He smiled at the other boy, almost nervous in interrupting him, "Th-the inkeeper said you'd come out here."
"It is wonderful to see you," Ilsael said, smiling at Sukasa as he turned and nodded. "Yes, I have been helping to remove the corruption."
Sukasa frowned and replied, "It - Its still here?"
"Sadly, Corruption exists everywhere," the older boy said, voice tinged with sadness.
The younger boy nodded, recalling how shortly after he'd arrived from the Colonies, the Qeynosian Settler's Aid Program had sent him into Oakmyst to investigate a recent rash of corruption that had begun to spread through the forest. While the corruption was devistating to the few small areas it touched, it had not been very bad at all, easily cleaned up and restored by the many hands working for the Aid Program. The fact that it had returned reinforced their findings, and the boy wondered if there were any gnolls about - they'd only found one when he was assisting the investigation.
"Do you want help?" he asked, watching Ilsael moving the branches of the shrubs delicately.
The older boy nodded as he gestured for Sukasa to peak into the boughs of the shrubs, dirty brown machinery visible, "That is what I have discovered, thus far."
Sukasa peered at the machine. It was similar to the ones his investigation team had found, but there were a lot more bits and pieces to it, and the boy realised that it must be a more advanced version of the machines he'd dealt with. He sighed, and it slowly dawned on him that if they began discovering and destroying vile things, their creators would only counter by making the next ones more advanced.
"Any help is welcome," Ilsael replied, watching the other boy closely.
Turning to look at Ilsael, the boy replied, "These are...different. They're better than their last attempt..."
"Yes," Ilsael nodded, breaking a few joints on the machine, causing it to halt before he turned. "Follow me."
Ilsael lead them back to the entrance area of the forest, speaking quietly to the current supervisor of the investigation. He handed the man a few bits of the broken parts, and the other man began explaining a few things the scouts had found while Ilsael had been looking for the machines. After a moment, the older boy nodded and glanced back to Sukasa.
"Sukasa, do you fear using your talent?" he asked gently as he stepped beside the other boy. Ilsael had never seen the boy cast a spell, but several times he'd felt the eletric energies or fiery warmths in the boy's hands, and had noticed that Sukasa's body was oddly cold; he suspected by his robes and the staff Sukasa carried that the boy was some type of mage, but they'd never talked about it.
The younger boy blink and asked, "Wh-what?"
For a moment, Ilsael contemplated the other boy before he shook his head and replied, "Follow me."
As they were heading to where Ilsael had been instructed to go, a large and angry Oakmyst bear trundled out from behind a tree, his claws swiping the older boy harshly. As the silvery elf began to call up healing energies, the bear struck out at him again; something inside of Sukasa clicked at seeing Ilsael being attacked, and the younger boy narrowed his eyes at the bear.
He lifted the stave up, the floating orb in its lotus setting glowing with an orange, red and yellow light, becoming almost like a living flame as thin strands of icy blue wrapped over it. Sukasa tapped the butt of the stave on the ground and then pointed the stave at the bear, his robes fluttering in a sudden wind as first a cascade of ice released on the beast followed by a large ball of fire - the bear shivered once before it was engulfed, falling to the ground dead before it could strike Ilsael again.
As the fires dulled, Ilsael turned to look back at the younger boy, his eyes burning blue from channeling his healing energies. The younger boy straightened, staring at Ilsael with unblinking eyes, his face riddled with concern for the other elf. Slowly, he lowered the staff, but would not let it touch the ground, the orb slowly fading back to its typical faint white light.
"A-are you okay?!" Sukasa asked, rushing over to Ilsael's side. The other boy simple looked at him and smiled, nodding slightly.
The two boys spent the rest of the afternoon tracking down several different gnolls, slowly working their way up the chain of command that had infiltrated the forest. Each time they battled, Sukasa would barely use any magic aside from a few plasma strikes unless the gnolls threatened Ilsael, and then he'd call forth the winds, rains, ice and fires.
Once the gnolls were dead or captured, the boys returned to Lieutenant Charlin. Ilsael and the Lieutenant spoke for several mintues before the man turned to the weapon rack behind him and presented Ilsael with a faintly glowing spear. The weapon had a bit of fur covering the top of the shaft, with feathers dangling down against it, its tip sharp and deadly, the weapon clearly imbued with some sort of minor power. Ilsael bowed in thanks to the officer, and then turned back to Sukasa with a smile.
"My efforts were not in vain," the beaming mystic said softly as he returned to the younger boy's side.
Without thinking, Sukasa asked, "Back ho - to Castleview then?"
He'd only been staying there a few days - since the night before confronting Corbin on the docks in Nektulos forest about Shadowthorn - but he felt more at home amid the meditation room Ilsael lived in than he did in his small apartment back in the Willow Wood. Blushing, he hoped Ilsael didn't catch what he had almost said.
Ilsael nodded, taking a step forward before pausing and looking back at Sukasa, "You..you will accompany me, yes?"
The young wizard nodded, moving beside the older elf quickly. The two of them walked up the path leading out of the forest, and through the gates into Castleview - side by side, smiling a little as their shoulders brushed against each other.
Sukasa slipped into the room, looking tired and beat up. He closed the door slowly, body sagging slightly. He turned, eyes going wide at seeing Ilsael stretched out on one of the many piles of pillows before he dropped them in almost emberassment - the wizard had almost hoped Ilsael'd be out, so he wouldn't have to explain...
The older boy raised his head from the pillows, just slightly, as he saw the other enter the room. He frowned at the condition of the other boy, shifting, and began pulling himself wearily to his feet.
"Kasa..." he said softly.
The boy stammered, "N-no. N-no need t-to get up..."
He sat his staff and pack aside, trying not to wince at the movements, and then slowly made his way over to the pillows, remaining standing. Ilsael gestured to Sukasa to join him, scooting a bit to make room on one pile of pillows. The aura of energy usually around him was faint, and exhausted it seemed. Hesitantly, Sukasa sat down beside Ilsael, trembling slightly and only making it half way down before dropping down hard onto the pillows, wincing and making a small noise. He kept his back away from Ilsael, facing the boy, his eyes still downcast.
Ilsael was not so easily fooled by the boy and took hold of him, gently, pulling him close as he ran his hand over the other boy's hair.. In soft motion, he drew from his own energy reserves, pushing them against the mage in hopes of healing his pain. The younger boy nearly screamed as his body was moved, collapsing against Ilsael's chest, twitching. His body tugged much hard than usual at the energies, something clearly amiss. Sukasa knew his love's energies were all but spent, and pulled away quickly, moving out from the energies.
"Kasa... something is wrong... please, let me help," Ilsael spoke softly, offering his hand once more, a sympathetic look in his eyes.
It seemed to pain him as much as it pained the other.
Sukasa stared at Ilsael, almost in tears, the other boy's expression of pain not helping him any.
He shook his head again, cringing, "I - no, you're s-so tired l-looking!"
"Do not worry for me, Sukasa. Please.. let me help you," Ilsael gently pressed.
He held out his hand again, and this time the blue energies surrounded his palm, curling up again like smoke... just behind Ilsael's shoulder seemed to be a very faint, very brief image of another boy. The younger boy's eyes widened, looking past Ilsael to the faint image, blinking once. He recoiled slightly, only to wince hard and look pained. Finally, he nodded, and slipped out of his robe. His back and sides were covered with bruises and lacerations where the blood had gathered too thickly and opened the skin, several smaller scrapes visible all over his body.
Ilsael removed his own robe, stripping bare, to hold to Sukasa as gently as possible. The energy seemed to flow along his skin, travelling him to meet with the younger boy. Ilsael's eyes grew brighter, a blue not often seen, as the healing power beginning to hum lightly...if Ilsael was pained by this, he showed no sign, grew warm and then cool again as energy passed from him to the other.
Sukasa leaned against Ilsael, crying though he was so quiet and so unchanged he did not notice. His body tugged at the energies, the wounds healing as the light danced through them, slowly causing the boy to relax again. Ilsael's skin appeared almost transluscent as it swam with the energy being pushed against Sukasa. His hand moved lightly, fingers trailing over the boy's hair, his voice a soft whisper... though seemed to echo..
"It's.. all right. You are here... you are.. all right.."
Kasa slowly nodded, the glyphs on his skin faintly glowing, his motor control slipping away from him. His eyes became unfocused, staring out past Ilsael's shoulder. His body drained in more energy than needed to heal the wounds, greedily taking the nurishing energies as his markings began locking his mind away again. The give of energy waned and then ceased once the task was complete, the blue glow fading and then disappearing all together. Ilsael's pale skin was cool to the touch, the brilliant blue dimming from his closed eyes. For a few very long moments, the older boy's body was entirely still.
The younger boy slumped unmoving against Ilsael's body, healed and almost more alive again. His body seemed healthier, almost as if it were well fed, though the glyphs upon his skin flickered widly, struggling to keep his mind and spirit seperated from his body. With Ilsael's power focused, it was clear to see what occurred whent he glyphs changed - above Sukasa's body was his spirit, eyes unseeing, staring out to watch something beyond them.
The mystic's body remained still, utterly motionless after the task performed. There was no hum of energy from the boy who lay next to the mage. His hair still shined silver in the pale light of the room, still beautiful in his silenced state. As time passed, the energies flickered and faded in the markings, Sukasa's eyes desperately trying to focus, his fumbling body trying to cling to Ilsael again. Panic took the boy as he felt how cold the boy was, as he slowly realised there was no energy.
As soon as he could speak properly, he half-whispered, "Ilsael?!"
The boy's lips parted, but there was neither breath nor sound. The blood was quickly cool beneath the skin as he rested on the pillows. For a moment, he had gone. Sukasa sat up clumsily, pulling Ilsael into his lap, eyes wide and afraid as he petted the older boy's face, cradling his body against him. He kept murmuring, begging Ilsael to respond to him, more tears falling unnoticed down his cheeks.
A faint blue line began to move down towards the mystic's body, seeming more like a strange firefly than anything else. It passed between the high elf's lips, settling in the core of the boy. A pulse began again, his lips trembling as he drew a sharp and sudden breath, his body arching slightly, senses numbed but slowly returning. He opened his eyes, unfocused, blinking, his body shivering from the warmth stolen... but he was alive. The boy sputtered and coughed with these painful breaths, not daring to sit up as his eyes closed again, flinching, as he slowly re-acquainted with his senses.
Kasa held the other boy tightly against his chest, fingers gently petting the long silver hair, running down his shoulder and arms to his hands several times as he whispered, "Damnit, Ilsael, I knew I shouldn't have let you..."
A long moment passed before Ilsael recognized the touch, his skin warming at it. He breathed softly, his blue eyes shining as he looked to the other, a faint smile passing his lips, ever serene.
"You needed... my attention. Please do not hate me for what I would give.. for you," the silver high elf barely whispered.
It slowly dawned upon Sukasa as to what just occured, the other boy staring in shock at Ilsael. He pulled the other boy closer, burying his head in Ilsael's neck and shoulder, tears wetting the warming skin.
His mind and heart reeled, thoughts racing quickly, leaving him only to stammer out, "D-d-don't l-l-eave m-me, p-please."
Ilsael's arms moved to wrap around the other, seeming stronger with the passing moments. It was will alone, at times, that his spirit continued to keep him as he was..his body had little strength of its own.
"I will not leave you... I am here, aren't I? Please... do not be sad. It has happened before... " Ilsael whispered.
Sukasa lifted his head, looking a little surprised, blinking once at Ilsael, hands still gently brushing over the other boy's skin.
"Wh-when?" the younger boy hesitantly asked.
"Many times... When I first began to cross into the spirit world... my spirit shattered. I had to return, many times, to retrieve the pieces," he paused, appearing thoughtful. "I will explain it better.... once I rest."
The confused younger boy nodded, awkwardly laying Ilsael back down on the pillows before sliding down beside him, pulling him close. He wished he were strong enough to let Ilsael rest against him, but the younger and malnurished body was just too frail for even a high elven boy's weight. He contented himself by snuggling Ilsael, fingers running through the other boy's hair until they both fell asleep.
The confrontation with Corbin had left Sukasa even more skittish than he already was; he knew he deserved it, however Corbin's abandonment - which would lead to Trecle's as well - nearly broke the little boy into pieces. Having Miriella explain to him exactly what he had done in his attempt to save Ilsael and keep Shelly's wayward henchmen from him did not help calm the boy any either, though he fought to hide that from here.
Whether or not it was true, Sukasa felt that he'd lost everything for Ilsael, but rather than feel bitter towards the Koada`dal, the boy was terrified he'd lose Ilsael next and be left with nothing again. The few times times the boys had been seperated for too long, the harder it was for him to focus and the more introverted he became - he knew that he'd rather die than lose Ilsael permanently.
Miriella had talked him into returning to Qeynos, but he didn't feel safe inside the city walls. While the dark elven woman was confident no one was going to try to kill him there, her words contradicted what Corbin had told him, and the Feir`dal feared someone would try.
Between his worry of losing Ilsael and his fear of being found, Sukasa went to South Qeynos and made an impulse purchase of a two bedroom estate with a spacious patio, using his probably fading position in the Windrunner Trading Company to negotiate a lower cost; between the prestige of the company and the woman's maternal instincts, he was able to buy a home for almost all the gold he possessed. Tucked away on Karana Court, it was difficult to see the doors and windows unless one was standing right near them on the Court road itself, which was perfect for a little boy who wanted nothing more than to run away and hide.
Over the next few hours, the boy and his horse - the mare that he swore hated him - moved all of Ilsael's belongings in a small cart to the new residence. It was an awkward move, as Sukasa wasn't nearly as big as Ilsael, and there were frequent disagreements with his stubborn horse. He spent the last of his gold on a few more household decorations and necessities, finding that while the meditation and sleeping set up filled Ilsael's small inn room in Castleview, they barely filled one room in their new house.
In the end, there was a sleeping area with two desks flanking it and a large meditation area upstairs, a bookcase on the landing of the stairs, a draconic tapestry on the long wall at the base of the stairs, a bar set up one one side of the downstairs room with bookcases on the other side and a draconic statue and rugs in the center. A second meditation area and garden were set up outside on the patio area, using the two smaller tents Ilsael had owned and half of his pillow collection.
The small feline spirit wandered around in a more Kerran form as the boy worked, doing her best to keep the Fountain Spirit out of the way - it had a nasty habit of manifesting at the wrong moment and almost being splatted by some piece of furniture the boy could barely move. Once everything was finished, the spirit became more feline and fell asleep on the bed while the dragonfly buzzed all over the back porch.
It was close to the time Ilsael would be finishing with his daily duties with the midwives in Willow Wood. Sukasa swore that the wood elves needed birthing more often than any other community in Qeynos, which only disturbed him because of his obvious descent; when he'd first noticed, the boy swore he'd never give any girl attention, because he didn't want to end up like the rest of his heritage - his close friendship with Shelly worried him for that reason, but Ilsael had assured him it takes a lot more than hugging someone for that to happen.
Keeping to the shadows like some theif, the boy made his way to the nearest Norrathian Express station and wrote Ilsael a letter, asking the other boy to meet him outside of the mage tower in South Qeynos. Before everything had happened, Sukasa used to study with the Concordium, but as events passed, he found himself less and less inclined to go deal with the narrow minded wizened wizards; he hadn't exactly told Ilsael that yet, so the Koada`dal believed that's where his little wood elf companion stayed while he worked.
A short time later, Ilsael arrived at the Concordium. Sukasa had half dozed off while waiting, the day catching up to him quickly. Already a little confused and concerned by his missing furniture, Ilsael cleared his throat quietly in hopes of getting the other boy's attention. Sukasa looked up at the other boy with a smile, though while his eyes reflected it, there was something else clouding behind it.
"Y-you got my l-letter?" he asked.
"I did," Ilsael replied, tilting his head to ponder Sukasa. He could feel something behind the playful air, but couldn't quite place his finger on it, his mind already caught up in the potential theft of his belongings and the strange request from Sukasa.
The smaller boy stood up and stepped towards the High Elf, asking, "D-do you trust me?"
Without pausing, though said quite slowly, Ilsael responded, "Yes..."
"Close your eyes," Sukasa said, searching through his many robe pockets for something.
Ilsael chuckled and closed his eyes as he was told to, amused by the odd game his little love had begun. The younger boy stood up on his toes to tie a strip of dark cloth over Ilsael's eyes, blindfolding the other boy to make sure he wouldn't be able to peek at his surroundings. With a little flourish, Sukasa spun the other boy around until he was sure the boy was dizzy and without any sense of direction.
"Where are we going?" Ilsael started to ask, ending the sentance with an odd 'nnf' noise as his senses were jarred. Sukasa just giggled at him, taking the taller boy's hand and gently leading him away from the Mages' tower.
At a rather awkward pace, the young boy led the other elf through the gates to Qeynos Harbor, and along the main roads to Elddar Grove. Once inside the grove, they walked nearly every pathway Sukasa could find before he finally led the blind Islael back to the Harbor, then on into South Qeynos again. Eventually, the two were walking slowly down Karana Court, Ilsael entirely lost and confused by then.
"Are we there yet?" the mystic asked, a little worried that somehow Sukasa had lead him to Freeport or worse.
"Almost!" the other boy replied as they took their last few steps towards their new house. "N-no peeking!"
Sukasa stopped them in front of the door, releasing Ilsael's hand so he could dig through his robe pockets for the keys. Finally, with a faint jangle of metal, the boy pulled them out and slipped one into the lock with a satisfying turning of the lock. Carefully, he tucked the keys away again and took Ilsael's hand, leading the other boy inside a few feet so he could close the door behind them. With the door closed to outside noise and passerby conversations, it would be impossible for the blind boy to know where they were.
Once the door was closed, the smaller elf untied the blindfold, pulling it away from Ilsael's eyes slowly.
"S-surprise," he stammered.
Ilsael blinked several times as his eyes adjusted to the lights again, considering there were few lights beyond wall candles, it did not take the boy too long to see his surroudings. Some things were familiar, some things entirely new - what the older boy did know was that he was standing in someplace far more elegant than he was used to. The younger boy stood beside him, looking up expectantly, half afraid that the other boy would be uspet by what he had done for them.

"I - I g-got this f-for us..." he stammered when Ilsael remained silent.
The boy's statement pulled Ilsael's attention from the beautiful room he was standing in, and he realised that the younger boy had bought a home...a real home for them. Ilsael turned his wide eyes to Sukasa, staring at the small elf in surprise, knowing that their commitment had just become much more tangible than it had been before.
"I... Kasa.. this is.. I mean, it's gorgeous," the high elf replied, oddly at a loss for words. The boy could only smile at the other elf, his eyes drifting from Sukasa to the room itself and back.
"I - you d-deserved better th-than a sm-mall room in C-castleview," Sukasa quickly explained, his worry starting to surface again, "I - I saved up. I h-had nothing else to b-buy. And...well, th-the company is w-well known enough, th-they cut us deals."

"It's..." Ilsael began, unable to find his words, stopping to just smile down at the smaller elf in awe.
With that, Sukasa took Ilsael's arm and pulled him through the room to the door on the other side, opening it to reveal their meditation patio and garden. Ilsael wandered almost dream-like through the area, drifting around the area with a beautiful smile and sparkling eyes. The Fountain Spirit that had taken residence with them fluttered over to the high elf, circling him in contentment before flitting off to the flowers that had been transplanted from their old home.

"An-nd there's m-more..." the little wood elf said, taking Ilsael by the arm and pulling him back inside.
The boys rushed up the stairs, pausing on the landing so that he could show Ilsael where the books were, and let the boy see the new tapestry Sukasa had bought. Once the other boy was able to move again, Sukasa pulled him up the last flight of stairs and threw open the double doors, stepping quickly into the room as he let go of Ilsael's arm.

Standing on a Halasian bear skin rug at the foot of their bed, Sukasa proudly said, "T-this is our n-new room..."
For a moment, Ilsael could only stand in place, his eyes moving all around the room to take in the new yet familiar surroundings. Most of the things in the room were his, but there were rugs he didn't remember, desks and scrolls he didn't remember, and odd candles he had never seen before on either side of their bed. The young mystic realised that yes, his belongings had been taken, but not by any real theif - Sukasa had to have skipped his studies to move them here.

"That would explain where all of the furniture went," Ilsael finally said, chuckling lightly.
Sukasa paused and awkwardly said, "I...um, pr-procured it. Do you l-like it?"
With a gently smile, Ilsael nodded to the other boy, taking a step towards him, "I do."

Sukasa smiled brightly to the other boy, letting go of a slightly held breath as he relaxed a little. The smile touched his eyes slightly, but an unsettled fear drifted behind them. Caught up by his emotions, Ilsael barely noticed as he took the smaller elf into his arms, kissing the boy fiercely, every word he couldn't find making its way into the embrace.
Caught by surprise, the younger boy clung to Ilsael, each little passionate movement making him more and more aware of exactly why he couldn't lose Ilsael like he had everyone else. At first, he threw his raw nervousness into returning the affection the older boy showered upon him, but as the passion intensified, Sukasa found he could do nothing more than cry.
The splash of tears against his skin jarred Ilsael from his advances, and the mystic looked down at the boy he held in his arms. Reflexively, he gently ran his fingers through Sukasa's hair, pushing it away from the boy's eyes; at first, it seemed the younger boy had been incapable of crying, however as the weeks passed, Ilsael found that his little love cried more and more - more than he should cry.
Whispering soothing words in Koada`dal - an odd expression the boys had started recently - Ilsael pet Sukasa until the younger elf was ready to speak of what was bothering him so.
Sukasa could only cry for quite some time, pulling Ilsael tightly against him. The affection had broken through the last of the barriers he'd put up to hide from Ilsael, hide from his fear, and the boy was terrified he'd lose the one he was trying so hard to protect.
When he finally could speak, he whimpered, "I - I'm af-fraid I'm g-going t-to l-l-lose y-you t-too...", and buried his face against the older boy's shoulder.
Ilsael ran his slender fingers through the younger boy's hair, his expression worried as he studied Sukasa. When he spoke, it was soft and lilting, full of concern.
"Why do you think you will lose me, Sukasa?"
"B-because I'v-ve l-lost ev-veryone else," he whimpered, keeping his face against the other boy's shoulder, trying to hide in his silvery hair. "I'm af-fraid th-that I-I'll l-lose you t-too."
His crying seemed to begin to drown out his words, whimpered whispers of how he couldn't, how he'd rather be dead if he did, all hard to hear amid the sobs.
"My sweet, sweet love," Ilsael said softly, the older boy gently holding the other, uncaring of the tears that dampened him. He moved to tilt Kasa's chin upwards, his fingers brushing slowly across the boy's cheek to wipe away tears.
"Look inside of you, Sukasa. You carry part of me, something I trust to no one but you. I will not leave you... but I am concerned as to why you think you will lose me," the older elf whispered, "Tell me, what has happened for you to think this way? Truly, what has happened?"
For a long moment, the younger boy didn't say anything as he considered what all to tell him. He knew that telling Ilsael everything would endanger the boy, but he felt horrible about having to hide everything. Corbin's words rang in his ears, and like he had told Miriella, he didn't want to talk about it anymore - didn't want to betray anyone else.
But...not telling Ilsael was a betrayal in itself. Nuzzling against the other boy, he argued with himself for a long time before answering.
"I - I f-found out a s-secret, an-nd t-tried to find out m-more," the younger boy managed, "B-but in th-the end, I w-was t-told more th-than I should b-by s-someone."
He quited again before whispering, "I - I had t-to give s-some of th-that s-secret up t-to keep Ch-chath away f-from you, an-nd to k-keep Sh-shelly safe. An-nd n-now I d-don't have an-nyone else."
"Were you asked to keep this secret that you told?" Ilsael paused a moment. He had never lectured Sukasa before. He felt it wrong to begin now, when he wasn't sure still of the situation.
"Sukasa... I am.. " he paused, struggling for his words. "I know you wished them to leave me be. I... am glad, for this. But it is obvious the decision you made also upsets you... "
He began to push his fingers through Sukasa's hair, his head tilted slightly as he said, "Though we cannot change our decisions, you can determine what outcome this will have, by making other decisions to follow."
The boy nodded in answer to the first question, looking quite guilty about the situation. He listened to Ilsael's words and then nodded again, though he was unsure of what to do.
"I - I w-was g-going to h-hide, a-after t-telling Shelly t-to n-not act on wh-what I told her," he whispered into Ilsael's ear, quickly adding, "I w-would be w-with you ev-very n-night b-but I - I thought-t it b-better f-for everyone el-lse for me t-to n-not be h-here."
With that, the boy nuzzled against Ilsael more, pulling him tighter against him. Part of him did want to leave, and dispite Miriella's claim others aside from Ilsael would worry, he didn't think anyone else would care.
"I wish you would stay... It is lonely, when you are gone." The older boy's voice sounded hollow, and he cast his eyes downward for a moment.
Finally, Ilsael lifted his voice again and asked, "And what of your brother? Please, Sukasa... whatever has been said I'm sure is forgiveable."
To that, the younger boy shook his head almost violently, tears sliding down his cheeks faster. He turned his head, burying it in Ilsael's shoulder again before whimpering, "N-no, its n-not...it w-was his s-secret an-nd n-now..."
He choked on his own words, his sentence trailing off into sobs. Corbin's words again rang through his head, and the boy felt too guilty and to sad to even speak.
"Shhh, shh... it's all right.." Ilsael spoke, but within his heart ached for the younger boy. Ilsael did not wish to pry, but felt helpless knowing so little about what had occurred. Perhaps it was best, then, to let Sukasa tell him on his own time.
Ilsael was a very patient and forgiving person, by nature. He would certainly not force his beloved to speak about something that pained him so greatly. The older boy planted soft kisses along Sukasa's cheeks and forehead, his arms keeping the younger elf close.
After a moment or two, the gentle touches calmed the boy enough for him to whisper, "Wh-what should I d-do? A l-lot of p-people c-could die ov-ver what I've d-done..."
He again thought of Corbin, the way the man had acted like it was time for him to die, seeming to accept it as the result of Sukasa's mistake; he recalled Miriella in tears, begging him to make sure Shelly would keep away from her son.
"I - I d-didn't th-think it w-would h-hurt an-nyone," he whimpred, "I th-thought it c-could k-keep people s-safe..."
"Sukasa...have you ever had to keep a secret?" he paused, and continued. "Secrets are kept to protect a person, or a group of people. Sometimes, this is small things.Sometimes, it is larger. Secrets are never meant to be told, except by the person who created them... if that makes sense."
Ilsael softened, "There will be a solution, another way. You have to trust me on this. If others have cast you aside for this, then there will be a way to redeem yourself... "
The boy nodded slightly, then shook his head. He wasn't quite sure what to think of secrets, having decided that the one he overheard and the one he was later told weren't like normal secrets. He nuzzled against Ilsael, sighing slightly as the last of his sobbing faded.
He closed his eyes, listening to Ilsael's heartbeat before whispering, "I - I w-won't leave, I d-don't think. B-but I'm s-still n-not g-going n-near p-people."
A slow smile crept to Ilsael, at the last statement. "That is fine... for happiness, the company of many is not needed. I.. would rather enjoy some time with just you... if you would like..."
He trailed off. It was a selfish request, but Ilsael felt such need of the other. He wanted badly to shut off the world around them, even briefly, to allow them time together; recently their world had seemed to have been turned upside-down, its effects taking their toll on both boys.
Sukasa nodded, eyes heavy as the exhaustion of releasing all the emotions he'd been trapping inside of him washed over his body. He nuzzled against Ilsael, eyes half-lidded as he looked around their new surroundings.
"I - I'll s-stay here w-with you, f-for now," he whispered.
Ilsael's smile seemed wistful, his eyes reflecting his brief sadness as he repeated, softly. "For now, then..."
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